Master Good Happy Holidays Ad
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Take a look at our latest featured TV spot for Master Good Hungary and their agency Roman Klis in Germany. After the massive success of the first ad,...
Pepsico Hello Goodness campaign
What a great time we had working with Bewilder, B&A and PepsiCo on this amazing explainer video for their Hello Goodness campaign. Using a combination of 3D character animation within...
Deloitte Explainer Video Series
We had the privilege of working with Bewilder and Deloitte on this amazing explainer video. Using a combination of 2D character animation within a 3D space we managed to make...
GWK Farm Foods
When GWK approached us with these campaigns for their Farm Food range we were beyond excited. Combining 2D and 3D animation with a touch of humour is always our favourite...
Chicken Licken Big John Ad
Luma had the privilege of collaborating seamlessly with Black Ginger to bring the VFX to life on Greg Grey's amazing Chicken Licken TV spot for Joe Public. Working closely with Marco Raposo de...
Master Good GenZ chicken
Behold our latest creation! Take a look at our latest TV spot for Master Good Hungary and their agency Roman Klis in Germany.
MTN Supersonic
We love simple! So we got really excited when VMLY&R briefed us on creating an animated campaign for Supersonic. We got to work making sure each 3D character had a great silhouette and a...
Luma Animation got to work with the incredibly talented agency Bewilder. Together we made the animated TV commercial for GWK. This animated epic tells the story of the farmer...