Master Good Happy Holidays Ad
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Take a look at our latest featured TV spot for Master Good Hungary and their agency Roman Klis in Germany. After the massive success of the first ad,...
Chicken Licken Big John Ad
Luma had the privilege of collaborating seamlessly with Black Ginger to bring the VFX to life on Greg Grey's amazing Chicken Licken TV spot for Joe Public. Working closely with Marco Raposo de...
Castle Double Malt TV ad
What makes this beer so damn smooth? Check out the latest TV spot for Castle Double Malt.
Master Good GenZ chicken
Behold our latest creation! Take a look at our latest TV spot for Master Good Hungary and their agency Roman Klis in Germany.
Luma Animation got to work with the incredibly talented agency Bewilder. Together we made the animated TV commercial for GWK. This animated epic tells the story of the farmer...
Shaka Ilembe
Set in the 1700s, Shaka iLembe tells the story of the making of the iconic African king, with iterations from his early childhood through to adulthood.Luma was the principal visual...
This is our full length 3D animated feature film called Headspace! It launched in over 20 countries and was translated into 8 different languages. What’s it about? When a team of...